10 April 2011

FTP Daemon in Solaris 11 Express

When I needed to have an ftp service on my sol11 express server, I've noticed that some kind of daemon is already installed.

Indeed Solaris 11 Express comes with some kind of pre-installed ftp demon. You can even read Oracle's native documentation (administration guide) about it: Administering the FTP Server (Tasks). For a minimal usage, you should be able to connect to your server and access your home directory right after starting up the daemon without any additional configuration.

Some info:
  • Check if daemon is running:
    svcs -p ftp
  • Startup/enable start on boot:
    svcadm enable ftp
  • Directory containing config files:
  • File containing restricted users (users in this file will have no access):
That's probably the most important staff to get started with ftpd. If more information is needed, please write comments and I'll do as much as I can.

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