26 April 2014

VnaExporter for Pharo

As you may already know some time ago I've create a Smalldromeda visualisation of Pharo developers collaboration.

You can do amazing operations with data in Pharo, as you have objects at your fingertips. But for visualisation itself I've used Gephi, an application dedicated to complex networks visualisation. Gephi supports a lot of different formats, but Netdraw VNA was the most suitable for me.

Not long ago Tudor Girba asked me for the custom visualisation. As I was tweaking the data output, I noticed how hardcoded my approach was.

As a result, I'm happy to present a dedicated VNA Exporter for Pharo.

You can find installation and usage instructions in a README file. VnaExporter is present in Pharo 3 meta repo, which means that you can load it form the Configuration Browser.

Happy Exporting!

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